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hype girls ALL IN ONE.


HI, I'M Meg.

With an industry now completely flooded with bull$h!+ pseudoscience, how is anyone supposed to know what the most efficient, and SUSTAINABLE way to achieve their goals is?!

With a background in Accredited Sports Nutrition, and almost 8 years of experience training clients, alongside competing as a fitness model in the IFBB, WBFF, ICN & AWNBS, I aim to improve your quality of life with a scientific and enjoyable approach, rather than giving you another 30-day challenge or "chicken & broccoli" meal plan that is not sustainable long term - flexibility enables consistency!


By committing to coaching with me, you are not paying for a plan – you are paying for EDUCATION on how to create daily habits to transform your lifestyle


I will give you constant support and all of the tools but YOU need to put in the work, be patient and trust the process.


"Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar."

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- Orrin Woodward

"With a strong passion for helping others, I have been nursing for over 10 years!

But during this time, I realised something was missing - the importance of living an all-round healthy lifestyle! So I decided to complete my Certificate in Personal Training, AND study to become an Accredited Sports Nutritionist!

I now have 4 years of online coaching experience, with the first 3 of those years also training clients face to face in the gym.

I have also been a bikini competitor since 2017, competing over 10 times! In 2019 I won my pro status with the World Natural Body Building Federation and made my pro debut in New York!"

Sheoni is our assistant coach and has been such a valuable addition to the MGTVY team! She truly embodies everything that we stand for  - To educate and empower you to achieve your goals and FINALLY sustain them, WHILE loving yourself in the process, so that you can live YOUR BEST LIFE!

HI, I'M Sheoni.


HI, I'M Lauren.

A background in competitive gymnastics and cheerleading, and the desire to always push my limits, has more recently turned into a love of weight training and nutrition!

Whilst working as a cafe manager and absolutely loving what I was doing, I still felt unfulfilled and like I was missing a bigger opportunity to really help others.

I want to debunk the misleading and overcomplicated content constantly circulating, through education around food, cooking, quality movement & habits. How you can eat out with your friends & family and still achieve your fitness & health goals, how you can train to be strong, not to burn calories, and the impact setting up daily habits that align with your highest values, will have on your progress. 

Let’s work together to get you cooking & eating with love, moving with enjoyment & purpose, AND most importantly feeling the best within yourself!"

Being a client of Meg's for over a year prior; transforming her relationship with food and self, and more recently competing as a bikini model in the WBFF, Lauren is a testament to the power of the MGTVY way!





Join our community!


Be educated, inspired and entertained. We post snippets of knowledge from the industry, Meg + Sheoni, inspiration, tips, hacks and, of course, incredible + real transformations from the MGTVY community.

See the MGTVY method in real-time.


Expect a look into Meg's life, all things health, nutrition + inspiration with a whole lot of realness, good vibes, more transformations and some laughs.

Thank you Meg for the lifestyle shift!
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I first started working with Meg in September last year when I purchased the 15 week ‘Building The Foundations’ program on her website and I very quickly discovered the network of empowered boss women she has created in her Facebook community! After completing that program I had fallen in love with training again, and found it so handy to have all my workouts planned and not feel so lost & overwhelmed trying to figure out what exercises to complete each session.
My training has levelled up immensely. I now train with purpose and intent, and I’m working to improve my strength and performance every week! I love the empowerment that follows an increase in weights/reps/sets!

I upgraded to 1:1 coaching with Meg in November and my nutrition habits changed instantly.. I actually eat MORE now than I did before because I was eating the wrong foods and not nourishing my body or fueling it properly. Sure … I’ve lost over 20kgs now but my mindset has also changed!

I’m STRONG, CAPABLE and DAMN GORGEOUS. These were still true before I started with Meg but I didn’t know it until I met her. Thank you Meg for the lifestyle shift! I’m an overall happier and more grateful person.




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Meg Tovey Strength + Nutrition

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