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“I Feel Fat” – Navigating Those Body Image Rollercoasters


Ever have one of those days where you’re feeling like a total goddess, and the next, you’re thinking, “Ugh, I look like a potato”? Trust me, it’s not just you. It’s practically impossible for your body to change that drastically in such a short time. So how do you handle these wild mood swings without tossing in the towel?

“I Feel Fat” – Navigating Those Body Image Rollercoasters

Here are three questions to help you get to the bottom of it:

1. Can You Name What You’re Really Feeling?

First things first: “I feel fat” isn’t actually an emotion. It’s more of a vague thought that could be hiding something deeper. Are you actually feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed? Just putting a label on what you’re feeling can make it easier to manage and move through.

2. What Else is Going On in Your Life Right Now?

Your body image can be a bit like a mood ring – it often reflects what’s happening in your life. Are you juggling a lot of stress, dealing with major changes, or just having an off day? Connecting these dots can boost your self-awareness and help you realise that it’s not all about your body.

3. What Does This Change in Your Body Image Mean for You?

Here’s the deal: it’s super common to tie your body image to your self-worth. But the real issue might not be the actual change in body fat; it’s what you’re telling yourself about it. Are you thinking things like “I’m a failure” or “I’m not enough”? Instead, consider how you can address these feelings in other areas of your life.

Need Some Support in Navigating Your Body Image?

If you’re tired of the body image rollercoaster and ready to build a more positive relationship with yourself, click here to book a free consultation call with Meg. Let’s tackle these feelings together and get you back on track with confidence and self-love!

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